• Welcome to DADAS NGO

  • Dr.Ambedkar Dalithavarga Abhivruddi Sangam DADAS!

Welcome to DADAS NGO

DADAS stands for Dr. Ambedkar Dalithavarga Abhivruddi Sangam. It is state level non-governmental organisation based in Cuddapah Town A.P. India. It is formed by various like minded individuals. development organisers and dedicated social workers. It acts as a coalition organisation, that faclititates a concerted effort among its target groups, members by building their response mechanism in tackling the complex issues in dealing with socio- economic, medical, welfare and rural development activities. "DADAS aims to make sensitised effective and positive contribution in minimizing the poverty, illiteracy, ill health. ignorance and inadequate basic necessities in the life of individual families, communities and society as a whole.


We are well aware of the fact that increasing population problem is a growing menace. The uncontrolled population growth is a serious burden in all most all the coun tries. India is the second most populous country in the world with population of 843.93 million (as per 1991 census). India's population is increasing at the rate of 16 million each year. Indian population according to the latest estimates will be close to 1 billion mark in 2000 A.D. The provisional population of 12 most populous states as regarded in the 1991 census and their percentage to tal population of India. It is seen that the six most popula. tions states, which account for 59.1 of India population in 1981, have contributed 62.49 percent of the increase during the decade.

Andhra Pradesh is the most population state in India. The total population of A.P. is around 7 crores. A.P. is divided into 3 regions viz (1) Rayalaseema with 4 districts, (2) Telangana with 10 Districts and (3) Circar region with 9 districts. Out of 3 regions. Rayalaseema is very backward region in all aspects with increasing population problem. Cuddapah District in Rayalaseema region is represent high concentration of eli gib le couples with increasing population growth. The total population of Cuddapah Dis trict 3.9 literacy rate is 45%, the life expectancy is 60 years and the age at marriage is 1518 for females and 16-20 for males. The adverse reflections, such an increase in population would demand more food, water, land employment and other basic necessities. This has resulted in the disturbance of ecological balance, problems with conservation of natural re sources and create frontier disputes in all sides.

NEED OF THE PROJECT (Justification):

In any community, mothers and children constitute a priority group. In sheer num bers, they comprise approximately 70 per cent of the population of the developing coun tries. In India, women of the child bearing age (15 to 44 years) constitute 22 percent and children under 15 years of age about 40 per cent of the total population. Together they constitute nearly 62 percent of the total population. By virtue of their numbers, mothers and children are the major consumers of health services, of whatever form. Mothers and children not only constitute a large group, but they are also a vulnerable or special risk groups. The risk is connected with child bearing in the case of women and growth, devel- opment and survival in the case of infants and children. The problems affecting the health of mother and child are multifactorial. Despite current efforts, the health of mother and child still constitute one the most serious problems affecting the community, particularly in Cuddapah Dist., A.P., India.


The organisation has selected Cuddapah District in Rayalaseema region in the State of Andhra Pradesh in India as the project location for this project,

The State of Andhra Pradesh in India divided into three regions namely

  • Circar Region with 10 districts
  • Telangana region with 9 districts and
  • Rayalaseema region with 4 districts viz.1. Cuddapah, 2 Anantapur, 3.Chittoor and 4.Kurnool Districts.

Cuddapah District in Rayalasee ma region is known for a long as the stalking grounds of recurring droughts and faminies. It is very backward and hilly area. This district is divided into 3 divisions viz (1) Cuddapah Division (2) Rajampet Division and (3) Jammalam adugu Division. It consists of 50 mandals with a population 22 lakhs. The District head quarter is Cuddapah and the organisation office is located in the town area.



Cuddapah District is very backward in all aspects and the area is composed of drought prone and hilly area. It consists of an area of 155 sq.kms., in radius and divided into 50 mandal head quarters for smooth administration. It is not only backward, but also chronically drought sticker s. Agriculture in this area is highly per carious and subject to the vagaries of rainfal. Even in the sphere of Industry the area presents a picture of back- wardness and neglect. There is no proper irrigation facilities or drinking water facilities. The entire land is composed with small mounts, trees and bushes and rocky soil. The temperature range from 30°C and 45°C during the summer. The climatic conditions are very hot. The annual rain fall is 125 mm. during the rain season.


The total population of Cuddapah District is 22 lakhs as per the 1991 census. Out of the total population majority (80%) of the people are living in Rural areas as agrarian and allied services. Remaining (20%) are living in Urban areas with different livelihood The Rural people are classified into smal or marginal formers (20%) and agriculture labours (60%). These two categories are depending on agriculture work. The agriculture work is only 4 to 5 months in a year, if there are rains. The remaining period they have to search for work in different areas. Most of these people are belongs to Scheduled Casts, Sched uled Tribes and Backward people are still living below the poverty line.


The area is not only backward in agriculture and industry, but also lags behind in the availability of public health services, medical aid and education al services are too in adequate. The poor people are dwelling in crowded huts and dilapidated structures without proper sanitation and hygienic facilities. Most of the children and adults are suf- fering from prolonged illness, respiratory and skin diseases. The infant mortality rate and literacy rate, which could consider as indices for social and medical development are lower than the state average rate. In terms of poverty ratio, the magnitude and unemploy ment and the extent of malnutrition among women and children, this area presents a sorbid picture


  • Majority of the people is unaware about diseases, family planning, health care etc.c
  • PHC Centres, Hospitals, Family Planning and Family Welfare facilities are too inad equate in many areas
  • Sterilization and health care facilities are very far to the village people
  • Most of the rural people are illiterates, ignorants and supersticious.
  • Transportation facilities are too inadequate for many villages.
  • Present existed facilities are concentrated in towns and cities.
  • Majority of the people is not following family planning methods due to lack of facilities.
  • Lack of awareness among the youth on family planning and population growth.
  • Lack of motivation among the married couples.
  • Lack of MCH services in all the villages.
  • Antenatal and postnatal care services are totally nil.
  • The rural poor people are unaware about their personnel hygiene.
  • Morbidity and mortality rate is more in the pregnant mothers and infants.
  • Immunization facilities are too inadequate
  • There is no trained dais or ANMs in the villages to deal delivery cases.
  • There is no maternal health care services for the pregnant mothers and the infants
  • The poor people are unable to bear expenditure for medical services in the outside hospitals.


Information about the implementing Agency

1. Name of the Organisation
Address for Communication :
D.NO. 16/41, Gajula Street, Masapet,
Cuddapah - 5416 001.
A.P., India
2. Legal Status of the Organisation a)" DADAS" is a registered voluntary organisation, established ind 1987, under the provisions of Indian Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860 with Real. No. 386/87, Dt. 22-09-1987.
b) And, got it registered in the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1994 under the FCRA Act with Regd. N0.010160200, D 1.02-09-1993.
3. Preamble The birth of DADAS is indeed an emotional response to the problems of the poverty, illiteracy, illhealth, malnutrition, medical and health inadequate facilities prevailing in the operational area of Cuddapah District. DADA S formed with committed convictions to share the sufferings of the weakest of the week in the lowest rungs of the rural society by involving the target groups in planning, implementation and execution
4. Mission Commitment DADAS is placing people's development in people's hand through their fullest participation and involvement Enclosed Memorandum of Association.
5. Aims and objectives Enclosed Memorandum of Association
6. Management Committee
Previous activities of the Organisation
Enclosed the list of present Board of Management in a separate sheet.
Enclosed Annual reports for 3 years
8. Ongoing projects of the Organisation
  • Short Stay Home for Women & Girls.
  • Old Age Home (for above 60 years A ged)
  • Skill Development Programmes
  • Computer Training Programme (Norad)
  • Child Labour Rehabilitation School
  • Working Women Hostel
  • Pulse Polio immunization Programme
  • Mobile Medical Camps
  • Aids A wereness and Prevention Programme
  • Environmental Polution Control Programme
9. Future Plane of the Organisation

The DADAS is proposed to undertake the following programme.

  • AIDS counselling and Preventive Programme
  • Mercy Rehabilitation Centre for the Children of AIDS victims
  • Primary Health Care programme for the tribal people.
  • Rural Development Programmes.
  • Women and Child Welfare Programmes.
  • Rehabilitation centre for Disabled children.
  • Orphan Homes
  • Environmental Pollution Control Programme.
  • Literacy and Education Programme.
  • Socio - Economic Development Project
10. Infrastructure of the Organisation

DADAS is having the following infrastructure facilities for the present.

a) Decent Office Building with well furnished and latest communication system.

b) Staff Personnel

1). Administrative Staff

Project Director - 1
Accountant - 1
Computer Programmer - 1
Clerk - Cum - Typists - 2
Attenders - 2
Watchman - 1
Helper - 1

C.Program Staff

Project Coordinator - 1
Field Supervisors-2
Instructors Tailoring-2
Instructors Type writing - 2
Computer programmers - 2
Social Workers - 2
Doctor - 1
Health Educators-2

D.Advisory Committee :

The Orginasation was appointed 4 technically qualified red officials in different fields to act as advisory Committee and to perform evaluation and monitoring works

1. Medical Officer
2.Mandal development Officer
3.Administrative Officer
4. Principal (retired).

11. Bank Particulars.

Name of the Bank & Address:STATE BANK OF INDIA ,Trunk Road, Near Chennur busstand Kadapa.
Account No. 52078887824
Account No.(FCRA)
125601000010045 IFSC : 10BA0001256
Type of Account : Joint Account by President & Secretary or Treasurer.

Charted Accountant The Executive committee members of DADAS has oppointed a charted accountant to deal and perform monetary transa sctions accounts works and preparation of audited statement of accounts & utilization certificate, progress report

Brief History


"DADAS stands for Dr. Ambedkar Dalithavarga Abhivruddi Sangam. It is state level non-governmental organisation based in Cuddapah Town A.P. India. It is formed by various like minded individuals. development organisers and dedicated social workers. It acts as a coalition organisation, that faclititates a concerted effort among its target groups, members by building their response mechanism in tackling the complex issues in dealing with socio- economic, medical, welfare and rural development activities. "DADAS aims to make sensitised effective and positive contribution in minimizing the poverty, illiteracy, ill health. ignorance and inadequate basic necessities in the life of individual families, communities and society as a whole.


DADAS" was started by Mr. P.M. Ravi Kumar Babu, the founder and President of the organisation in 1987 at Cuddapah Town in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. It was born out of the aspiration and commitment of few Philanthropists, Academic persons and dedicated Social Workers to the cause of Rural Cipliftrnent and Rural reconstruction programmes. The Birth of "DADAS' was response indeed and emotional response to the problems of Poverty. Unemployment. Malnutrition, 111 health, Disabilities and inadequate medical facilities that were widely prevalent in Cuddapah District. The above Society was registered in Ministry of Home Affairs. under the FCRA with Regd. No. 010160200. dated 02-09-93. It started effectively by functioning by undertaking various activities, benefits of which flow to the weakest of the weak and those belonging to the lowest of the rungs of the rural society.


DADAS aims to work with the poorest and the most socially disadvantaged people in its operational area to assist them in fighting the causes of poverty and bringing about a sustained improvement in the Economic, Literacy, Health, Environment and the Social Conditions of their lives.

"DADAS' is placing People's Development in People's hands with their fullest Participation and involvement to bring a social change among the rural poor people.


The main objectives of our organisation are as follows:

  • To undertake Women and Child Development Programmes.
  • To provide Medical and Health Facilities to the needy people.
  • To organise and establish Vocational Training Centres for the unemployed men and women.
  • To improve literacy standard among the poor people by way of starting Educational Centres.
  • To undertake Rural Development Programmes, Income Generating Programmes and Agricultural Development Programmes for the poor.


It is a Missionary Movement of Young Social Workers. The growing interest among the Educated and Dedicated Persons and their Enthusiastic involvement in the life and work of the movement have enabled the "DADAS to setup few programmes, projects with full-time staff working among 2 lakhs people in various parts of Cuddapah District, to Date, to transform the Society through their Voluntary Service.

Founder & President

Ravi Kumar Babu P.M

Mission Commitment

It is a Missionary Movement of Young Social Workers. The growing interest among the Educated and Dedicated Persons and their Enthusiastic involvement in the life and work of the movement have enabled the "DADAS to setup few programmes, projects with full-time staff working among 2 lakhs people in various parts of Cuddapah District, to Date, to transform the Society through their Voluntary Service.


DADAS aims to work with the poorest and the most socially disadvantaged people in its operational area to assist them in fighting the causes of poverty and bringing about a sustained improvement in the Economic, Literacy, Health, Environment and the Social Conditions of their lives.