"DADAS stands for Dr. Ambedkar Dalithavarga Abhivruddi Sangam. It is state level non-governmental organisation based in Cuddapah Town A.P. India. It is formed by various like minded individuals. development organisers and dedicated social workers. It acts as a coalition organisation, that faclititates a concerted effort among its target groups, members by building their response mechanism in tackling the complex issues in dealing with socio- economic, medical, welfare and rural development activities. "DADAS aims to make sensitised effective and positive contribution in minimizing the poverty, illiteracy, ill health. ignorance and inadequate basic necessities in the life of individual families, communities and society as a whole.
DADAS" was started by Mr. P.M. Ravi Kumar Babu, the founder and President of the organisation in 1987 at Cuddapah Town in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. It was born out of the aspiration and commitment of few Philanthropists, Academic persons and dedicated Social Workers to the cause of Rural Cipliftrnent and Rural reconstruction programmes. The Birth of "DADAS' was response indeed and emotional response to the problems of Poverty. Unemployment. Malnutrition, 111 health, Disabilities and inadequate medical facilities that were widely prevalent in Cuddapah District. The above Society was registered in Ministry of Home Affairs. under the FCRA with Regd. No. 010160200. dated 02-09-93. It started effectively by functioning by undertaking various activities, benefits of which flow to the weakest of the weak and those belonging to the lowest of the rungs of the rural society.
DADAS aims to work with the poorest and the most socially disadvantaged people in its operational area to assist them in fighting the causes of poverty and bringing about a sustained improvement in the Economic, Literacy, Health, Environment and the Social Conditions of their lives.
"DADAS' is placing People's Development in People's hands with their fullest Participation and involvement to bring a social change among the rural poor people.
The main objectives of our organisation are as follows:
- To undertake Women and Child Development Programmes.
- To provide Medical and Health Facilities to the needy people.
- To organise and establish Vocational Training Centres for the unemployed men and women.
- To improve literacy standard among the poor people by way of starting Educational Centres.
- To undertake Rural Development Programmes, Income Generating Programmes and Agricultural Development Programmes for the poor.
It is a Missionary Movement of Young Social Workers. The growing interest among the Educated and Dedicated Persons and their Enthusiastic involvement in the life and work of the movement have enabled the "DADAS to setup few programmes, projects with full-time staff working among 2 lakhs people in various parts of Cuddapah District, to Date, to transform the Society through their Voluntary Service.