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"This organisation can be opened Regional Offices & Branch Offices anywhere in India for the upliftment of all the sectors. To promote social, economic, health, agricultural and educational development activities in the rural and urban areas.
It can be taken up all schemes of state and central govt. of India and foreign projects anywhere in the world. To open schools i.e. primary, secondary, higher secondary, junior colleges, degree colleges, post graduation colleges, research centres, computer education centres, professional colleges like Medical, Engineering, Agricultural, Veteranary and Law colleges etc., and also other university programs undertaken.
To open libraries adult education centres, EGS & AIE schemes, non formal education centres Janasikshana sansthans, krishi viknana kendraetc., Functional, organisations, Management and technical skill training programmes can be taken up. To build a new society irrespective of caste and creed to raise the moral standards.
For the development of Rural-areas the following schemes can be taken up.
- Organisations of beneficiaries of Anty Poverty programme.
- Integrated Rural Development Programme.
- Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme.
- Central Rural Sanitation Programme.
- Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme.
- Construction of Houses for SC/ST/B.C/Bonded Labours.
- Construction of Sanitary Latrines.
- Check Dams, Waste Land Development, Ecodevelopment.
- Social Forestry, Grant of tree pattas etc.,
- Varmi culture, Water shed programmes, Neeru Meeru programme, Janmabhumi, Clean & Green, Deepam, DWCRA, Self Help
- Groups, Micro Credit Program, Non Conventional Energy Development Programmes, etc.,
- To start any subsidary industries for the promotion of Self employment.
- To open Study Centres, with the grant-in-Aid of State and Central govt's to the following categories via Weeker section, Minorities, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes and other Back Ward Classes etc.,
1) Typewriting
2) Shorthand
3) Tailoring
4) Computer
5) Residential school
6) Non Residential School
7) Hostels
8) Printing
9) T.V. Repairing
10) Furniture
11) Pre Examination Coaching Centres and other allied innovative projects
1) Typewriting & Shorthand
2) Tailoring Training
3) Computer Training
4) Residential School
5) Educational Complex
6) Mobile Medical Unit
7) Audio Visual unit & Library
8) Medical Institutions and other projects
1) Carpentary
2) Computer Centre
3) Craft Centre
4) Type & Shorthand Training
5) Diesel Pumpset Repair Training
6) Electrician training
7) Motor Winding & Fitting Training
8) Photography
9) Plumbing
10) Printing, Composing and Book Binding Training
11) Scooter/Motor Cycle/Auto Rickshaw Repair training
12) Leather Training
13) Welding and Fitter Training
14) T.V., VCR, Radio Repair Training
15) Fruit Preservation Training etc.,
1) Old Age Home
2) Street Children
3) Mobile Medical Units
4) Social Difference Programme i.e., Construction of Old Age Homes
5) Technical Exchange and man power Development Programme
6) Juvenile Home
7) Social Maladjustment
8) Cildren in need of care and protection
The following schemes can be taken up, Construction of hostel buildings, starting of educational institutions, hostels, vocational training centres, educational centres, coaching centres, or any other innovative projects for minorities.
Drug Awareness Counselling and assistance centre, Setting up of a 15 Beds or 30 beded Deadication cum rehabilitation centre, De-adiction cum rehabilitation for industrial workers, Holding deadiction camps for treatment of drugs.
- Assistance to Special Schools for Handicapped Children
- Assistance to Persons withCerebral palsy and mental retardation.
- Assistance to disabled Person for Purchasing / fitting of AID Appliances (ADIP Scheme) and National Handicapped
- Finance and Developmet Corporation Schemes etc.,
- Short Stay home for Women and Girls
- Construction / expansion of Women Hostel with Day Care Centres
- Education work for prevention of atrocities on women
- To inculculate the savings and banking habits among members.
- To empower them financially, technically and morally.
- To provide them opportunity to get loans at time of needs.
- To enable them to judiciously manage their own savings, loan repayments productive activities and also mutual enjoy the benefit of the scheme.
- Construction of buildings for schools, hotels, libraries and other buildings of educational institutions belonging to Government or local bodies. Such buildings belonging to aided institutions and unaided but recognised institutions can also be constructed provided, however that the institution be in existence for not less than two years.
- Construction of tube-wells and water tanks for providing water to te people in villages, towns or cities, or execution of other works, which may help in this respect. Water tankers can also be purchased for providing drinking water.
- Construction of roads including part roads, approach roads, link roads etc., in villages and towns and cities. Very selectively Kutcha roads can also be constructed where the MP concerned and the District Head agree to meet the locally felt need.
- Construction of culverts / bridges on the roads of the above description and of open cut or tube wells.
- Construction of common shelters for the old or handicapped.
- Construction of buildings for local bodies for recognised District or State Sport Associations and for cultural land sports activities or for hospitals. Provision of multi-gym facilities in gymnastic centres, sports associations, physical education training institutions etc., is also permissible.
- Specially forestry, farm forestry, horticulture, pastures, parks and gardens in Government and community land or other surrendered land.
- Desiliting of ponds in villages, towns and cities.
- Construction of public irrigation and public drainage facilities.
- Construction of common gobar gas plants, non-conventional energy systems devices for community use and related activities.
- Construction of irrigation embankments or lift irrigation or water table recharging facilities.
- Construction of public libraries and reading rooms.
- Construction of Creches and Anganwadis.
- Construction of public health care buildings, including family welfare subcentres together with the ANM residential quaters. Such buildings belonging to aided institutions also can be construted.
- Construction of crematoriums and structures on burials / cremation grounds.
- Construction of public toilets and bathrooms.
- Construction of drains and gutters.
- Construction of footpaths, footways and footbridges.
- Provision of civic amenities like electricity, water, pathways, public toilets etc., in slum areas of cities, town and villages and in SC / ST habitations, provision of common work-sheds in slums and for artisans.
- Construction of residential schools in tribal areas.
- Construction of bus-sheds / stops for public transport passengers.
- Construction of veterinary aid centres, artificial insemination centres and breeding centres.
- Procurement of hospital equipment like X-Ray machines, ambulance for Government Hospitals and setting up of mobile dispensaries in rural areas by Government Panchayat Institutions. Ambulances can be provided to reputed service organisations like Red Cross, Ramakrishna Mission etc.,
- Computer in education project of High School / College.
- Information footpath.
- Ham Club in high Schools.
- Citizen band radio.
- Bibliographic data-base projects.
- Construction of Level Crossing at unmanned Railway crossing.
- Purchase of Aodio-Visual Aids of educational nature for Government, Government-aided and also unaided but Government recognised educational institutions provided there is proper place and proper provision for safe custody of these aids.
- Purchase of Night Soil disposal System for Local bodies.
- Purchase of motor boats for flood and cyclone affected areas.
- Works relating to the animal care / welfare like construction of buildings / shelters, provision of ambulances, medical equipment and development of infrastructure facilities like provision of drinking water, drainage etc.,
- The members of roll constitute the General body.
- The General body is the supreme authority of the Association.
- MEETINGS :The General body shall meet once in a year in the month of April every year.
- The time, date and venue of the meeting should be conveyed by the president or by the secretary in consultation with the president (or) at the requisition of members.
- The time, date and venue of the meeting should be clearly started and 10 days clear notice, should be given to the members.
- The president or in his absence the Vice-President shall preside over the meetings.
- The General body shall elect its Executive Committee for the period of 3 years.
- The annual meeting of the General body to be held in the month of April every year, to approve the budget estimate receipt and expenditure for the past year, lay down the policies to be adopted and schemes to be implemented.
- The Executive Committee can amend alter or introduce a new by-law by a 3/4th majority decision. Such alteration or changes shall be reported to the District Registrar, Cuddaph.
- The General body is empowered to acquire, pledge or dispose of any property of the Association and all immovable shall be in the name of President of the Association designation and in the personal name as laid down under the societies registration Act XXI of 1860.
- The sale purchased shall be approved by the General body.
- The quorum for the General body shall be 1/3rd of the members on roll.
- To approve the report of the activities of the organisation.
- To appoint auditor.
To help women in difficult circumstances like widows destitute &deserted women, Ex-prisoners women victimsof sexual abuse and crime including trafficed and rescud from brothels, migrate or refuse women who have been rendered homeless due to natural calamities like floods, cyclone, earth quake women victims of terrorist violence and vulnarable women distress and up as beggers and for their own survival and maintanace of their dependent children by providing shelter, food, clothing, care, emotional support, counselling, education, awareness, skill training, personality development, clinical, legal and other support, and to rehabilitate them socially, economically strengthen them in all aspects.
1) Dairy
2) Handicrafts
3) Fisheries
4) Computer Training
5) Type & Shorthand Training
6) Beautician Training
Income Generating projects etc.,
1) Agriculture
2) Small Animal Husbandary
3) Dairying
4) Fisheries
5) Handlooms
6) Handicrafts
7) Khadi & Village Industries
8) Sericulture
9) Social Forestry and Waste Land Development etc.,
The following Programmes can be taken up:
Construction of Shelter Houses
Construction of Small Health Care Centres, Construction of water storage and supply facility, purchase of medical equipments, medicine stall feed centres, waste disposal arrangements / incinerator and drainage system, purchase of ambulance for emergency services to animal protection and care, making of films on animal care in the society, preparation of cassettes on animals(Audio & Video) etc., the purpose of animal shelter is to provide secure living arrangements for the animals it houses.
To create consumers consciousness among the citizens. Educate the citizens about the Consumer act 1986 and to take the advantage of the Consumer Courts, forums etc., To promote and protect the welfare of the consumer. To create awareness camps in rural areas for the welfare of women/men consumers, to safeguard themby exploitation from local aminities.
Setting up consumer guidance cell. Propogation of consumer right through posters, pomphlets, Audio and Video Cassettes and in media for Consumer education.
To provide training programmes on Handi crafts & Handlooms to enhance the employment opportunities to upgrade the skills of existing craft persons and also importing skills to New craft persons, with the objective of wxpanding production base of crafts. To provide marketing facility to the artisans in Handicrafts and Handlooms. To conduct exhibitions to promote sales of Handicrafts to increase Awareness in favour of Handicrafts, to explore craft persons to the market, to launch new products and designs for the trial and promotioners.
1) Working women Hostel Maintanance
2) Under Socio Economic Programme
3) Diary
4) Poultry
5) Piggery
6) Goats and Sheep breeding etc.,
7) Creches for Children
8) Family Counselling Centres
9) Condensed Courses of Education
10) Vocational Training Coursess
11) Type & Stenography
12) Tailoring
13) Computer Training
14) Accountancy
15) For Education work : For Prevention of atrocities on women.
MPLAD - Scheme:
The society can taken up MPLAD scheme i.e., (Member of Parliment Local Area Development Scheme) for implementation of work as per procedure laid down under the MPLADS - guidelines. The funds under MPLADS may be used for creation of durable assets which shall always be available for public use at large. The ownership of such assets created with MPLADS funds would vest in the Government. The organisation must enter into an agreement in advance with the District administration before funds from MPLADS are used for creation of durable assets permissible as per procedure laid down under the MPLADS guidelines. This organisation can also undertake self work permissible under these guidelines.
Electronic Projects:
NAME : DR.AMBEDKAR DALITHAVARGA ABHIVRUDDI SANGAM ADDRESS : 16/382, Gajula Street, Masapet, Cuddaph, Andra Pradesh
Membership is open to all citizen of India subject to payment of subscription. Every member shall pay an entrance fee Rs.5/- and subscription of Rs.10/- per month.
This organisation can be opened Regional Offices & Branch offices anywhere in India for the upliftment of all the sectors.
Membership may be terminated by Voluntary resignation. By explusion of member by a resolution of the General body by 3/5th majority of the member present. When the member fails to pay the subscription for three consecutive month, Membership will be cancelled and they doesn't have right in the organisation. OFFICIAL YEAR :The Official Year of the Association is March of the year ending i.e., from April to March of every year.
The office of the Association shall be managed by the executive committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Five Executive members.
No amendments or alteration shall be made in the purpose of the Association unless voted by 3/5th of the members present at the meeting convened for the purpose and in such cases Section 12 of the Socities Registration Act XXI 1860 shall be followed.
Members of the Executive Committee shall hold office for 3 years from the date of assuming office. The Executive Committee is competent to implement all the schemes and sanction all the expenses. Interim vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be filled up by co-option by the other members. The qourum shall be half of the total members present.
he president shall be supreme, Administrative authority of the Association. The president shall preside over all meetings of the General body and the Executive Committee. He shall exercise the casting vote in case of raising of no confidence in the General body. And the president shall maintain joint account with Secretary / Treasurer. He is competent to make all the appoints of all the posts and approve of financial sanctions.
The Vice-President shall discharge all functions in absence of President. SECRETARY :The secretary shall operate all the funds as decided by the president and executive committee. All bank accounts should be maintained with joint account i.e., President and Secretary and he shall carry on all Correspondance and maintain all records Administration and also account with treasurer he shall prepare Agenda of all meetings.
The Treasurer shall operate the funds as decided by the President or Executive Committee i.e., Joint Account with the President and Treasurer with the Secretary and statements of accounts Balance sheet to submit to the auditor / executive committee / general body / on 31st march every year for approval.
All amounts received on behalf of the Association including subscriptions and donations shall be deposited in the bank or president of the Association by designation and record of such properties shall be maintained by the Secretary / Treasurer.
The President shall executive the sale deeds or borrow money on behalf of the Association only but no portion there of shall be paid or distributed among the members. The funds of the Association shall be spent for the attainment of the objectives of the society and no portion thereof shall be paid transferred direct or indirect to any of its members through any means. The organisation can raise the funds by way of grants / donations / borrowings / loans from Government / Non-Government / Foreign Donors / Banks / Financial institutions and other funding agencies in acheiving its aims objectives.
In case of the dissolution of the society the properties of the society shall not be distributed among its members but shall be attached to the similar organisation having similar aims and objectives. In such case, section 13 and 14 of the socities Registration Act XXI of 1860 shall be ffollowed.
Certify that this is the correct copy of Rules and Regulations of DR. AMBEDKAR DALITHAVARGA ABHIVRUDDI SANGAM, 16/382, Massapet, Cuddaph District, Andra Pradesh.
Cuddaph District is situated in drought prone region called Rayalaseema in the state of Andra Pradesh, India. This region is socially and economically very backward. There is ramphant poverty, illiteracy and ignorance which is the major cause of the backwardness among the people. Inorder to uplift the poor masses economically and socially the DADAS has come into existense in the year of 1987 and got itself registered as voluntary organisation under the societies registration act XXI of 1860 with Reg.No.386/87 dated : 22.09.1987.
The society has also been registered under Foreign contribution Registration Act by the Government of India, Department of Ministry of Home Affairs with Regn. No. 010160200 Dated : 02.09.1993.
Since DADAS has struggled restlessly to promote the socio economic and cultural values of the unprivileged and downtrodden people living in Urban slums and the remote rural areas.
The society is well organised Voluntary Agency with strong general body that meets with the regular intervals to discuss the policy matters and also to take stock of the situation developing from time to time. It reviews the working of the society. The Programmes undertaken by and its impact on the people and take suitable decisions. The receipts and payments and all the expenditure particularly are discussed and approved before and after they are audited by the Chartered Account. The day to day functioning of the society is taken care by the executive committee, which consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and other executive members.
This is the matter of great pride that the organisation which started in a very humbly way with the negligible funds but with enormous amount of courage and determination has grown into a strong structure and a very premier voluntary organisation rendering variety of services to the poor and downtrodden, it has created permanant assets in the shape of hostels, and well equipped training centres in Computers, Tailoring, Typewriting, Book Binding, Printing, Masala Making, Soap Making, permanant office accomodation equipment with staff and all the required accessories child rehabilitation, ST Residential school colleges, Auditorium. All the assets mentioned above which have been created for the welfare of public are worth of One Crore above. The Administrative office centrally located town in the District. The District Administration and different heads of the Departments are also involved with the organisation for implementation of Government Departmental Schemes for the up-liftment of people.
The department of Central Social Welfare Board, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India was issued sanction letter 31.03.2010 for the year 2009-2010 vide its letter no. E 2-20(1)/99-2000/SSH/AP/5280and the 2nd installment of 2007-08 Rs.1,53,228/- was released to organisation 31.03.2010. In anticipation of funds from the CSWB this organisation has incurred total Rs.7,09,798 for the year 2009-2010. Now the department has to be released 2009-2009 2nd installment nd 1st and 2nd installment of 2009-2010.
In this connection this organisation has submitted the utilization certificate,Audited statement of the accounts to the respected department for release of 2010-2011. 1st installment for maintanance of short stay Home for Women & Girls for 30 inmates, the above said amount was fully utilized by the organisation for the purpose for which it was sanctioned, and the purpose served for which is meant purely for the protection and upliftment of widows, destitutes, deserved women, orphan children and girls. The women who are in moral danger of grave exploitation both physical and moral and deserted by parents/ husband are also being taken into the hostel on priority basis.
Free food accommodation provided to the inmates at the home. To get establish confidence in their lives and to become self reliant, this organisation also providing skill development programme Handicrafts, Knitting, Tailoring, Type Writting, Computer etc., which will be similar to lead their lives independently. These training programmes are being implemented as per the norms and guidance of the departments.
The District Collector, Kadapa was sanctioned child labour rehabilitation school to this organisation under national child labour in Kadapa District. In this connection the Project Director, National Labour Project, Kadapa was released grant according to their sanctioned budget from January 2009 to June 2009 an amount of Rs. 69,950/- was released through banker's cheque bearing No. 407947, dated:28.01.2010.
And also conducted awareness camps on Child Labour eradication. Child Labour is crime against humanity. The children are national property, children should be protected and facilites must be provided for their education and rehabilitation and they were be motivated by elders of their family to conduct awareness programme with huge gathering this organisation has spent Rs. 5,000/- for conducting meetings.
The Ministry of social justice and empowerment, Government of India, New delhi has to be sanctioned and to be released Rs. 4,87,800-00 as 1st & 2nd installment for the year 2008-2009. The said amount has been used properly for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.
Further for the year 2009-2010 also this organisation has incurred Rs. 4,45,588/- along with society share in anticipation of sanction.
Now the Government of India Ministry of Social justice to be released for the year 2008-2009 Rs. 4,87,800/- and for the year 2009-2010 Rs. 4,87,800/- the total amount of Rs. 9,75,600/- (for two years). This organisation has submitted necessary documents to the department for release of funds.
Old age is the most crical time in human life because it is the unprotective age. The old aged people are neglected in most of the families. Once they are thrown out by their own kith and kin they had no place to lead their lives peacefully. Such old people who are above the age of 60 years and deserted by their children and relatives are provided free food and accomodation in the home. There are 25 inmates in the home. The annual budget covers their medical, food and other requirements. They were also provided with entertainment like T.V. News Papers, Magazines, Radio and Outings.
The working women hostel building is located Ambedkar Sankshema Bhavan, Prabhakar Rao Nagar, Vukkayaplli of Cuddaph Mandal. The society has taken keen interest for well maintanance of the hostel. The hostel is running on sound lines and this hostel is full furnished with all facilities to make inmates comfortable and this hostel is located in a good environment, and incurred Rs.98,500/- annually for its maintanace.
The District officers have invited all the voluntary organisations in the Diostrict to achieve the target of Family Planning Programme, in this connection this organisation has given 50 plates and 50 glasses to the patients who has undergone for opeation of family planning further in rural and urban, Rs. 10,000/- was given to cases (as incentives) who got operated FWP. The total amount of Rs. 9,600/- was incurred toward this noble cause and participated in family Planning motivation camps along with DADAS staff in rural and urban areas.
The Government of India Minstry of Human Resource Development Department of Education was sanctioned girls hostel for 50 Borders during the year 2000-2001 to uplift the poor girls to continue their education without any financial problems. After some time this scheme was gone to study for revival by the Ministry. Hence it was stopped.
But still this organisation is continuing the hostel facilities for Intermmediate students and degree without casete and creed. So that the economically backward classes families are able to educate their daughters to the higher classes without any problems. Because these facilities are available below poverty families are not sending their daughters to out side works for earning money and they are not spoiling their career in education field. This hostel running with contributions an amount of Rs. 1,80,000/- was incurred towards this hostel maintanance.
God has given right to live for the creature in this world. But human being does not have any sympathy towards animals. In this connection the kindness towards animals and not to send them to slatur houses. Due to not having enough care towards animals they are roaming in the streets without any shelter many of them wandering with diseases, injuries, pain and are suffering with less than adequated food. A large number of domestic, stray and uncared animals need care and protection especially at the time of natural calamities in this connection. Awareness and training programmes wree conducted in Cuddaph and an amount of Rs. 5,000/- was incurred towards the project.
The society has taken up a skilled training programme for 30 women in embroidery and Jerry workwhich will come under textile and handloom programmes. The trained canditates are making designs on various sarees and Kurtha pyzamas and blouse pieces door curtains etc., the society has provided one instructor to give training programme to the women for their rehabilitation. In this connection an amount of Rs. 12,000/- was incurred towards this project. The ultimate aim is to get confidence for survival of their lives.
To evolve cultural specific models for the prevention of Drug Abuse and treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. We have taken up some dru addicts and drunkers and provided them proper treatment as there is no such type of De-addiction come rehabilitation centre it will cater the need and functioning with close co-ordination with realment. In this connection the organisation has spent an amount of Rs. 4,500/- in this regard for conducting awareness camps.
Youth and depressed persons in the society are adding for drugs, alcohol, and spoiling their health, with a view to prevent them. Under the Drug abuse programme this organisation has taken up awareness programme, educating the people about the ill effects of the alcoholism and Drug Abuse on the individual, family and the society at large.
A thrift programme for women empowerment and aged people. DADAS has undertaken formation of Self Help Groups in Cuddapah District with a view of lesson the burden of poverty among the urban slum dwellers. It is neccessary to involve people participation espeially for low income and rural poor people are generally found to be hard working and have necessary managerial ability to adopt self employment. In this process many cases money lenders are observed dominationg exploiting the poor who need little investment for small income generation. Under such situation there had been a need for evolving participative lending methodology which is people centered to meet their requirements. In this connection this organisation has formed 5 self help groups, with an amount of Rs. 5,000/- has incurred towards formation of groups and conducting of meetings.
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the major public health problems of the developing country and it is well known for the strong social stigma associated with it. Most of poor women are converting as commercial sex workers doe to poverty in addition to this some of the employees are migrating to cosmopolitan cities and gulf countries for employment oppurtunities and vigorously involving in sex acts, that respected trails are leading them as reservoirs for STD and HIV diseases. The General public frightened about the Aids and Aids related families in these circumstances. The society has conducted awareness camps in the district prevent from AIDS. In this connection an amount of Rs. 10,000/- has incurred from society funds.
DADAS has taken up a project on disability in 5 Mandals. The awareness about community based rehabilitation is nil in the said mandals. Hence this organisation has conducted camps and identified number of persons with differen disabilities lacking the basic minimum rehabilitation facilities it is estimated that there are 4000 to 5000 persons with different disability such as orthopedically disabled, virtually handicapped hearing impaired, Leprosy deformity and mentally retarded. They form nearly 5% of total population of this area. Rs. 8,000/- was incurred for conducting 4 awareness camps in four mandals.
Due to drought conditions and poverty this city is facing lot of problems with women. Because of unemployment and lack of awareness and people are searching for earning of money in so many ways in this aspect some women are migrating to cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Abroad also sex workers and bonded labours. Due to various reasons ranging from economic instability of the family to support in break down of joint family system, to the special bias against the marginalised women and more often vulnerable women in distress end up us beggars, or prostitutes for their own survival and at times from survivals and maintanance of their dependent children. The trafficked women / girls rescued or runaway from brothels women/girl/women victims of sexual crimes who are disowned by family or do not want to do back to respective family with so many reasons.
Women in difficult circumstances like widows, destitutes deserted women, women ex-prisoners, victims of sexual abuse and crimes including trafficked and rescued from brothels, migrant are refuse women who have been rendered homeless due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake, mentally challenged women etc., often the support of immediate or extended family are not available are without any social and economical support an amount of Rs.15,000/- for incurred for their rehabilitation.
Undertaken R.M.K. Programmes through self help groups, and formed 5 groups for women and physically handicapped with a view to strengthening them financially sound with socio economic activities and micro credit system. In this connection the society has incurred Rs. 10,000/- for this programme.
Yoga Training
Nowadays in human life whole world is basing on yoga practice. To set peace of mind in their daily activities. This is general phenomena for every bodies good health to avoid Blood Pressure, temptation etc. with the view to practice from childhood. This organisation has taken up yoga programme forr shool going children in various schools Cuddapah District and an amount of Rs 10,000/- incurred towards this programme, there is dire need to give training teachers in yoga so that they will give practice in schools along with their daily activities.
Andra Pradesh Government is Developing DWCRA Groups in the state with a view to develop women through self-reliance. In this connection this organisation has conducted women development campaigns to bring them into an umbrella for utilization of govermental schemes and strengthening them financially with group activities. The district officials also participated and given valuable guidance for their improvement and also taken up rehabilitation programme for them an amount of Rs. 8,000/- has incurred for these campaigns.
Strengthening and improvement of Womens work and employment in agriculture, small animal husbandary dairying, fisheries, sheep rearing, village industries and sericulture this organisation conducted mela for women DWCRA Groups to undertake support to training and employment programme for women through various activities for Generating their home collectively among the team. To acheive the integration of women in the development process this organisation has incurred Rs. 8,000/- for conducting this meeting and created awareness to take up projects.
Youth are facing lot of problems due to focusing of their caste in their society they are not getting sufficient income for their livelyhood and they are becoming depressed. There is a need to bring them into main stream and needs serious attention. This has to be tackled and solved on priority basis, the only solution to solve this problem is by developing new skills among youth and encouragement for upgrading their skills to enable them to start income generating activities either through self employment or wage employment through illustrative activities. So this organisation has conducted awareness camps among the other backward class people and incurred an amount of Rs.12,500/- towards these camps.
Good environment will come by plantation of prices to avoid pollution and to make greenish place for good health. To built new society with good atmosphere for future Generation, Ecological Balance is compulsory hence this organisation has taken up plantation programme and conducted awareness programme starting. Every man should lead one tree for good environment. An amount of Rs. 6,000/- has incurred for thos purpose.
The society has grown slowly but steadily inch in the parts of rendering dedicated and self less services to the week and the downtrodden section of the society. The high values taken from teaching of DR.AMBEDKAR in whose name this society has been established is the guiding light of the society. We have built up massive structure of man power resources besided creating permanent assets in the shape of buildings for accomodating offices, hostels, etc., In order to serve for flung villages and travel areas the society is maintaining two vehicles with drivers. The society and its members and staff are determined continue to struggle for the successful implementation of programmes and fulfill the objectives of the society.